Injury Prevention and Self-Care

T Spheres Master Classes are taught by dance teachers who studied with founder, Stephanie Whittier LMT, CST. They spent hours of training learning her mind-body techniques that utilize T Spheres in self massage for dance warm-ups and cool downs.

Dancers who participate in our classes will be educated on how to use T Spheres to improve circulation, range of motion, pliability of muscles, alignment and feel connections throughout the body and mind for stability & control. They will learn how to implement massage, fascia release, acupressure and the benefits of aromatherapy for dancers.

T Spheres Techniques Certified Dance Teachers

Our Team of Certified Independent Dance Teachers are ready to teach your students virtually or in-studio. 


For more information, call: 212.533.8300 (M-F 11am-6pm ET) or Email us.