Aroma Spotlight: T Spheres Bath & Body Oils

Aroma Spotlight: T Spheres Bath & Body Oils
Welcome to our seasonal spotlight on T Spheres Bath & Body oil aromas! You might have a favorite aroma already – and smelling a pleasant smell will always have a positive effect on you. Like they say, the nose knows, and stimulating our olfactory sense with an aromatherapy we enjoy will at the very least boost our mood. But different essential oils have distinct, deeper effects, which means dif...

Why use aromatherapy in place of perfumes?

Why use aromatherapy in place of perfumes?
It's tested and true that our sense of smell is deeply tied to our moods and memories. The smell of books, clean sheets, or someone’s perfume might evoke a specific memory and an associated emotional response. Perfumes are even designed around this concept, creating the idea of a ‘signature scent’. But what’s in the scent you’re spraying on your skin? Actually, we don’t really know. Of course...